Monday, July 29, 2013

Battle Belly Bulge While You Travel

In a few short weeks, my dad is going to be marrying his lovely fiancĂ© of five years in the Bahamas.  Of course, I’m super excited for them…not only because they’re finally tying the knot, but also because this means I get to go to the Caribbean and soak up some sun for a few days!  You know me, any time someone tells me I get the chance to go on a little getaway I get “kid-in-a-candy-store syndrome” (okay, so I just made that up…but it could be a real thing).  Naturally I’ve been working on my bikini-ready body since I got the details of their nuptials.  I mean, hitting the snooze button 3 extra times in the morning counts as a workout, right?  No, it doesn’t? Okay then…moving on. I got to thinking - and I’m sure the ladies out there will back me up on this - it’s hard to go on vacation and not gain a little weight.  If you’re a total foodie like me, you know exactly what I’m talking about.  So, how do I solve my little dilemma?  I want to be able to enjoy the best cuisine the Bahamas has to offer, but I don’t want to come back looking like a beached wale.  Well, wouldn’t you know it, I came across an article on Glamour Magazine’s website entitled “6 Ways Not To Gain Weight On Your Vacation”.   Cheryl Forberg is a nutritionist and chef, and she gave Glamour some of her tips for staying fit while you travel. Let’s check out the list and discuss, shall we?

6 Ways Not To Gain Weight On Your Vacation:

1. Skip the airport food: Forberg says that instead of going for that piece of pizza or that giant soft pretzel, opt for bringing your own healthy snacks (low-fat string cheese, trail mix, granola bars, etc.) or even a sandwich on whole grain bread.  I think this is a really good tip.  Not only is it economical (food at the airport is always more expensive then what you can pick up at your local grocery store), but it’s a healthier option as well.  I would like to add something to this, though.  If you don’t want to bring your own goodies, most airport food courts do have places where you can get salads, soups, whole grain muffins, fruit, etc.  Those are things you can choose to eat instead of that Big Mac.  And if you’re in a smaller airport where all they have are little convenience stands, do what Forberg suggests and go for the mixed nuts or dried fruit instead of the chocolate covered pretzels or bag of Doritos.

2. Forgot your running shoes?  Ask the hotel: Now, this one I ‘m not so sure on.  While it’s a good suggestion, I don’t know how feasible it is.  I mean, does anyone actually work out while they’re traveling?  I thought that was kind of the whole point of being on vacation.  But, I will say that if you do want to get in a little exercise before you start your day, most hotels/resorts do have fitness centers for their guests to use.  You can always call the hotel ahead of time or check their website to see what kind of gym facility (if any) that they have.

3. Plan out your meals ahead of time: Forberg suggests going online and researching some of the local restaurants close to where you’ll be staying.  Many times you can view their menus on their website and check out their healthier dining options.  Also, take your time perusing menus (whether it’s at a restaurant or room service) and see if they can substitute higher-calorie side dishes for something healthier, yet still yummy.  I think this is another good suggestion.  I know some of you are probably thinking that this is a lot of extra work to put into planning a vacation, but just hear me out.  If you have an idea about what you want to eat, then you’re less likely to grab the menu and immediately gravitate towards the unhealthy and fattening dishes.

4. Apps, apps, apps: There are apps that you can download to help you locate “healthy eating” restaurants.  Also, there are a ton of free apps that help you track how many calories you’re eating.  Okay, okay, so I get that it’s sometimes a little bit scary to see how many carbs you’re taking in.  I mean, how many times have we all cringed when we look at the food label on our favorite snacks?  But, if you’re serious about fighting the bulge on vacation, this is a good tool to know about.

5. Walk:  Exploring while you’re on vacation isn’t just fun, but it can also help you burn off that piece of cheesecake you had at dinner the night before.  If you can, choose to walk around the area you’re in instead of hopping in that cab.  One of my favorite things to do when I travel is to walk around.  It’s a great way to really take in your surroundings and you can find the coolest places when you’re sightseeing on foot.

6. Remember to indulge: Now, this is a suggestion I can totally get behind!  Forberg says that it’s okay to have one or two indulgent meals – just make sure you balance them out with healthier choices during the rest of your trip. I fully believe that vacations are meant to be ENJOYED.  What fun is a vacation if you’re restricting yourself too much?  If you want that piece of chocolate cake for dessert, then go for it.  A good idea is to maybe split that piece of cake with someone, so you’re still satisfying your craving, but not overindulging.  The most important thing about traveling is that you’re having a good time and getting the most out of the experience…and part of that experience is trying out the local cuisine.  So eat, enjoy, and always remember that the gym will still be there when you get home.   

So there you go…some tips to help you fight the bulging belly while you travel.  If you want to check out the article for yourself, here’s the link:

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

America's Haunted Hotels

Anyone who knows me will tell you that I’m always down to go on vacation.  Duh, who isn’t, right?  While I love to go on more typical getaways (a cruise, a trip to Europe, etc.), I also think it’s cool to do more non-traditional trips - just to change things up a bit.  Recently, I’ve been thinking about planning a trip where I stay in some of the most haunted hotels in the U.S.  Okay, so I’m assuming that right about now some of you are thinking this is an awesome idea…some of you are thinking I’ve got a screw or two loose in the noggin…and some of you are questioning my definition of the word “cool”.  But come on guys, even if you think this sounds like the dumbest vacation idea EVER, you have to admit that it’s different. I’ve seen those shows on TV where they talk about how haunted some hotels are, and I think it’d be neat to check some of them out for myself…maybe find a ghost or two.

So, for kicks and giggles, I did some research and came across an article on the Travel Channel website.  And wouldn’t you know it, the article just so happens to list the top ten most haunted hotels in America.  Let’s start with #10, shall we?

10. Hotel Roosevelt (Hollywood, California): One of the spirits that’s said to haunt this hotel is Marilyn Monroe.

9. Stanley Hotel (Estes Park, Colorado): This hotel was the inspiration for Steven King’s epic novel, The Shining.

8. Hotel Chelsea (New York City): In its heyday, this landmark hotel was home to greats like Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, and Alice Cooper.  Dylan Thomas and Sid Vicious are just two of the famous ghosts said to now haunt its halls.

7. La Fonda Hotel (Santa Fe, New Mexico): This place is supposedly haunted by some ghost’s of the Old West, with the lobby and bar being the most active areas.

6. The Logan Inn (New Hope, Pennsylvania): My old stomping grounds!  My mom used to own a boutique in New Hope, and I’ve actually eaten at this Colonia-era Inn that was originally built as a tavern.  I got to hear plenty of stories about the ghosts in this place, so it’s too cool to see it on this list.  I have to admit, though  - I never did see any actual ghosts when I was there.

5. The Equinox Resort (Manchester Village, Vermont): Abe Lincoln’s wife, Mary Todd Lincoln, is said to haunt this 200-year-old resort.  It was a favorite summer getaway for the family.

4. The Queen Mary (Long Beach, California): This retired ocean liner was permanently docked and turned into a hotel in 1967.  I actually got a chance to stay here when I was about 16, and I can say that while it’s incredibly beautiful, it is definitely creepy!  I didn’t actually see any ghosts, but I had this weird feeling that I was being watched the entire time I was staying there.  Some of you are probably laughing at me now, but trust me when I say this place is totally spooky.

3. The Crescent Hotel (Eureka Springs, Arizona): An episode of Ghost Hunters was filmed here, and they actually captured an image on their thermal cameras of a full body apparition!

2. The Myrtle Plantation (St. Francisville, Louisiana): This place is said to be one of America’s “most haunted homes”.  Supposedly, there are at least 12 spirits that haunt this bed and breakfast.

1. The Provincial Hotel (New Orleans, Louisiana): This was a former Confederate hospital, and people say that it’s haunted by the ghosts of Civil War soldiers.

 So there you have it, ten of the most haunted hotels in America.  Here’s the link to the actual article if you want to check it out:

**The hotels featured in the pictures are: The Stanley Hotel, The Logan Inn, The Queen Mary, and The Myrtle Plantation**

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Ruffling My Feathers

So, I’m about to go on another rant.  You may or may not agree with what I’m about to say, but just hear me out.  My mom alerted my to an article that she found on the website for Women’s Day magazine, and to say that it ruffled our feathers a little bit would be a gross understatement.  The article was titled “9 Things Travel Agents Won’t Tell You”.  Before I go on, here are the 9 “things” they list:

                       1.     They’re making commission
                       2.     They may not be able to book (or price) all airline carriers
                       3.     They may not have been to the hotel or on the cruise ship they’re recommending
                       4.     Be flexible with travel dates and airports
                       5.     Travel insurance may not be necessary
                       6.     They’re best for milestone trips
                       7.     Online travel sites offer refunds and cancellation policies
                       8.     A travel agent won’t necessarily find the best price
                       9.     Sign up (and use) a travel rewards card

Okay, now let ME explain something to YOU, Women’s Day

My mom and I have partnered up to purchase a franchise with a host agency called Cruise Planners, Inc. (my readers know that I’ve mentioned this before).  I guarantee you that the “major commissions” the author claims we make are considerably lower than this article contends.  And the clients aren’t the one’s who pay us commission anyway!  It’s the cruise lines, hotels, rental car companies, etc. that do. Yes, there’s not a single travel consultant who can say that they’ve been on every cruise line or visited every resort out there – but we DON’T claim that AT ALL.  What I can tell you is that every good agent is constantly viewing webinars and online certification programs to keep ourselves up to date, in order to give our clients the best travel experience possible.  Our business development managers alert us constantly to new ship inspections and familiarization trips not only for our benefit, but also for benefit of the CLIENT.  We work personally with our clients to book what THEY want.  Something you won’t find on an online travel site is decent support.  Travel agents don’t just make a reservation and bail.  We build relationships with the traveler(s), and are available to them during every step of their trip.  I know for a fact that my mom always makes sure to give out her cell phone number so that her clients can reach her any time, with any question.  What we do is build relationships – show me an online site that can do that. 

I believe that this article was poorly researched and incredibly inaccurate.  It tries to give travel agents a bad rap, and I think that is SO not fair.  The author is trying to lump all travel agents/agencies together, and you just can’t do that.  Every individual agent is different and has their own way of doing business.  I’m going to use a big word now and say that I’m APPALED at the mediocre (okay, two big words) reporting put into this article.

**You guys can check out the article for yourselves by clicking on this link:

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Toms Made For Travel

Okay my loyal readers, time for me to make a confession…I’m addicted to shoes. Typical girl, right?  Heels, sandals, wedges, flats – I love them all.  And (as those closest to me will tell you) letting me loose in a shoe store isn’t exactly the safest move… especially for my bank account.  So, imagine my excitement when I came across on article on Glamour’s website telling me how to WIN a pair of shoes! 

Toms has partnered with travel guidebook, Lonely Planet, to design an incredibly cute pair of canvas shoes featuring fake passport stamps.  Of course, the travel theme is what initially grabbed my attention – but they also happen to look super confortable.  I think these would make the perfect pair of footwear for walking in when you’re traveling or just doing some strolling around town.  Also, their neutral color is a plus because that means you can wear them with just about anything! 

I’ve entered twice to win these things and you know I’ll be crossing my fingers and doing every magic voodoo shoe dance I can think of to please the fashion gods so that I can snag em’.  I’m posting the link to this article for you guys to check out.  They select winners weekly – so if you want to get yourself a pair, follow the instructions and enter.  Good luck!